A long ride home

        The world has something against us little people we’re abused by the people and circumstance I came at first to what I thought was just a noble decision and being able to browse one of the best libraries in the seven kingdoms and instead I become the prime suspect for an attempted assassination of a noble child have been almost killed many times and have been to the wall and back but I should start from the beginning

        i started on my journey as one of many in the kings caravan as he went to offer eddard stark the position of hand of the king which he accepted I went for the feast and the library I found many greats works that for the most part cannot be found anywhere else and when I heard about some brothers of the nights watch were going back to the wall I expressed my interest in going with them to see it when the black brothers I left we were gone before the royal party had gone and we’re on our way our trip met with no trouble I had gotten attacked by jon snow’s direwolf ghost for being threatening to bran which I understood and quieted my tone and there were no more problems jon is a kindred spirit a bastard hated by his mother I sympathize with him he has become a little friend to me I saw him at the wall for his training and how everyone hated him yet he couldn’t understand it until I spoke to him on it he had been trained by the master at arms of winterfell and easily beat all his competition with little effort and when I explained it was because of that he had become a insurmountable obstacle to the other recruits I told him to train them to fight because that might make more of a difference and it seemed to be working the old bear Mormont thanked me on that as we looked over the wall one day he told me of his plight not enough men or supplies to man the wall I don’t think highly of the wildlings but if they were to unite they might break through and that’s when I remembered what jon had said to me if this was falls the world falls I promised the bear that I would go to the red keep and try to convince them to send recruits and supplies they won’t heed me but I promised I’d try and with that I took my leave I stayed long enough to see jon succeed in training his brothers I felt a twinge of pride

        i left with a ranger named yoren bound for the red keep I had befriended him at the wall because unlike his peers he had a sense of humor though I made even those cold men laugh when I poked ser Alistair with a crab fork at dinner one day his face he was furious he didn’t know how to respond other than storming out of the room we eventually found our way to an inn where catelyn stark had me accosted for an attempted assassination on her son bran that I didn’t even know happened she marched me off to the eyrie to face trail we were ambushed along the way by barbarians from the mountains we were all armed even my men and me I was given an axe an told to act like im chopping wood that bleeds I killed a few men doing my part to make sure we survived they let me keep the weapon in the case we were attacked again I was becoming less and less a prisoner I carried weapons and rode a horse by the time we got to the eyrie I was disarmed and thrown into a skycell a cruel prison with a missing wall that led off the mountain it allowed the bitter cold in and my jailer a simpleton almost knocked me out of it a couple times I finally convinced him I was ready to confess to my crimes I claimed I was on trial for being a vile lying evil man whose whored and drank all his life I threw on a broken tone to make myself sound my guilty and distraught after my time to think about my crimes I made a mockery of their false trial and when they ordered my jailer to bring me back into the cell I demand trial by combat the champion that was selected by lysa was unwilling to kill a man half his size so I claimed bronn as my champion which he accepted he was given his sword back and offered his shield which he refused and so faced the knight who was in full plate and wielded a sword and tower shield bronn danced around him hitting him when he could but always quick on his feet he let the knight wear himself out and to end the fight had pushed a statue on ser vardis and stabbed him in the throat therefore proving my innocence and with that we left the eyrie

          back on our way to king’s landing on the way through the mountains we were ambushed by some of the mountain tribes they threatened to kill me but I bought them over with promises of arms and sovereignty in the eyrie in exchange that they were my soldiers they agreed to those terms as we were leaving the eyrie we found my fathers host I knew conflict was coming but I didn’t know it had already started me and my father discussed our strategy but we had already suffered a great loss that of jaimes host and jaime being captured we had our battle plan I would be on our left which the enemy favored there right my father was trying to kill me I demanded my hillmen troops which I was granted I had bronn go into the camp to find me a women he found a pretty girl named shae she was good to me  that morning the horn was blown and we were to get in battle formation my men assembled I grabbed mismatched armor that was way too big for me and I wielded my axe we stood and when the strong right came upon us we fought fiercely but in the end many of my hillmen were dead but the survivors looted the bodies and were paid handsomely after the battle my father called me forward and bade me go to the red keep to be the kings hand in his stead because of the war he said to me son go be the hand keep joffrey in line but don’t bring shae I said I would do as he asked and then brought shae.


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